Do you ever sit back and wonder how exactly you got to where you are? Every place (good or bad) I’ve found myself has been from a series of my choices. Once upon a time I suffered from a victim mentality. I felt like a series of life events had put me where I was and were the cause of all my woes. One day I suddenly realized that my own choices … [Read more...]
360 Degrees of Grief Book Release TODAY
SELAH PRESS RELEASES NEW ANTHOLOGY, 360 DEGREES OF GRIEF, ON MAY 19 Kayla Fioravanti's New Book Shares Stories from 64 Authors, Including Steve Green, Wayne Watson NASHVILLE, Tenn. (May 1, 2014) - Selah Press announces the May 19 release of 360 Degrees of Grief: Reflections of Hope, Volume 1, a collection of first-person stories detailing … [Read more...]
Glimpses of Joy
My approach to daily living has been changed by the persistence of grief that has followed the loss of someone so deeply personal to me, that she went down the very roots of who I am. I’ve been through loss before and hard times, but nothing quite like the loss of my mother. It has taken intentional action to catch my equilibrium as I adjust back … [Read more...]
Present at the First & Last Breathe of Life
I’ve been the strong one stroking the belly of a loved one filled with cancer. The cancer so advanced that I could feel it under his thin skin as I promised him that it was okay to die that day, and reassured him that we would carry on. I stood there in the room hours later as the last breath escaped his body relieved that his pain was over and … [Read more...]
A Life Well Lived :: In Memory of Esther Burgess
When I met Esther she easily made the list of women I admired most in life. I met her about two thirds of her way through a ten year battle with terminal cancer. Her beautiful singing voice had already been silenced to a whisper when her vocal cord was accidently paralyzed in one of her multiple surgeries over the years. She was already struggling … [Read more...]