Do you ever sit back and wonder how exactly you got to where you are? Every place (good or bad) I’ve found myself has been from a series of my choices. Once upon a time I suffered from a victim mentality. I felt like a series of life events had put me where I was and were the cause of all my woes. One day I suddenly realized that my own choices … [Read more...]
Don’t be the Blind leading the Blind
Everyone has heard that common saying, “like the blind leading the blind.” In Kindergarten the blind leading the blind was quite literally the case for me. My first attempt through Kindergarten was a dismal failure. Since we moved no one noticed that I couldn’t see until my second attempt at Kindergarten. During part of my first attempt at … [Read more...]
12 Lessons Grief Taught Me
The walk through grief is filled with milestones that are precious. You cannot sneak past grief in the night, run through it or sit still in one spot of grief. You must walk through it at grief’s pace. Grief is a passage, not place to wallow in, skip past, or tunnel under. If you don’t go through the grief it will fester and consume you in another … [Read more...]