Recently, while traveling, I picked up bed bugs at an Airbnb. It was a stressful trip, so I assumed that I had a rash after the first night. The next night things got worse, but again I was under extraordinary stress, so it didn’t dawn on me that it was bed bugs. I got home exhausted. I normally unpack and wash my clothes right away, but instead I … [Read more...]
Shine On Holly Port, Shine On
I don’t know exactly when it happened but one day, I realized that Holly Port had become one of the women who I just couldn’t live without. And now, suddenly, I must. She could laugh, and cry, and smile, and look you in the eye with the deepest love all at the same time—and then cry some more. I admired her ability to cry easily—because there was … [Read more...]
Colonoscopies & Mammograms
Getting old isn’t for sissies. So I figure I might as well laugh about it—and maybe share a laugh with you. If you are squeamish, or if you are terribly opposed to possible TMI, you might want to stop reading here. I used to think that the mammogram machine was the most barbaric test known to man—or woman really. It is especially awful when they … [Read more...]
My Love Affair with Lavender
Lavender—if there was such a thing as having a plant spirit, lavender would be mine. I have always thrived in places that lavender thrives. When I trained as an aromatherapist my love for lavender was solidified. I remember being moved to tears as I read The Chemistry of Essential Oils by David G. Williams while studying for my aromatherapy … [Read more...]
Animal Aromatherapy News
The Internet has been all abuzz about the use of essential oils and pets. Opinions have varied and tempers have flared over this topic. I am so thrilled to share an amazing resource for those who want to learn more, report an injury to an animal, and even receive specialized training in animal aromatherapy. Kelly Holland Azzaro has launched Animal … [Read more...]
Ehler’s-Danlos Awareness Month
May is Ehlers-Danlos Awareness Month which got me thinking about when we were first given the diagnosis and how far we come since that day. We had made our way through the Bone & Joint Clinic, waving to doctors and nurses who knew us by name, to see a new specialist. After a quick introduction our new doctor instructed, “Touch you palms … [Read more...]
Finding the Method of Organization that Works Best for You
Business owners, writers, bloggers and busy families alike all have one common question—what is the best method to get myself organized? There is not a one size fits all solution because some people are tech-phobic while others are tech-junkies. Here is my big list of ideas brought to you with the help of my friends on Facebook and network of … [Read more...]
Letting Go Takes Love
I often find inspiration when I attend my writers group here in Middle Tennessee. Some time in the last year our leader Lona Renee Fraser, author of Habakkuk's Hope, shared a little poem entitled Letting Go Takes Love with us. It struck me at the time, and even more so when I cleaned up my desk and found it tucked away. I just had to share … [Read more...]
Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad, Literally Crappy Day
Several years ago I was having one of those days in which a Charlie Brown dark cloud seemed to be literally hanging over my head. It was so bad that it could have rivaled Alexander’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. Nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, was going my way. I was drowning in self-pity and thoroughly … [Read more...]
But Our Heart Remembers
February. It's a hard month. It's typically cold, grey and dreary. The sky weeps for days and my own heart lurches and sputters each morning. I attempt to kick start it, but historically I'm already running on empty in February. This February I wasn't 100% sure why I was gobbled up by melancholy each day. Or why hurtful words and actions that … [Read more...]
Could You Be Convicted of Loving Your Spouse?
If you were accused of loving your spouse, could you be convicted in a court of law based on the evidence? Is there proof beyond a reasonable doubt or preponderance of the evidence that could convince a jury? Is there direct evidence that supports the truth that you love your spouse? Or is there only circumstantial evidence that relies on an … [Read more...]
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