I have been making incense for the last few years as Christmas gifts and wanted to share how to make your own. If you like making your own aromatherapy-based products for your home, you can find recipes for Reed Diffusers and Himalayan Salt Potpourri in my book DIY Kitchen Chemistry.Making incense is quite simple. You might see some recipes telling … [Read more...]
Finding the Method of Organization that Works Best for You
Business owners, writers, bloggers and busy families alike all have one common question—what is the best method to get myself organized? There is not a one size fits all solution because some people are tech-phobic while others are tech-junkies. Here is my big list of ideas brought to you with the help of my friends on Facebook and network of … [Read more...]
How to Be Your Own Host & Launch a WordPress Blog
I can be like a broken record about how important it is to have your own website and not depend on social media avenues alone. The reasoning for that is fully explained in my book Social Media: Platform Building Blocks for Both the Savvy & the Shy. If cost or being a technophobia has been holding you back—Bluehost self-hosted WordPress just … [Read more...]
Crowdsourcing Funding 101
I am often asked about Crowdfunding whether it is to publish a book, launch a website, release a CD or in general raise funds. In case you live in a cave and don't know what crowdfunding is: "the practice of funding a project or cause by raising money from a large number of people, typically through the Internet. It is a form of peer-to-peer … [Read more...]
NaNoWriMo Day 1 of 30
Today is the first day of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) 2015. In 2012 I wrote Puffy & Blue: The Chronicles of Nine Lives Together during NaNoWriMo which I published in 2015. In 2013 I wrote The Tough Side of Love during it. It was a book I needed to write, but am not ready to publish it. Both years I reached the 50,000 word count and … [Read more...]
Crowdsourcing for Business 101
In January we went to a bison conference with the National Bison Association. One of the speakers had previously owned a marketing firm. Due to the way social media has drastically changed marketing, he closed down his business and became a bison rancher. Well, virtually a bison rancher. He owns no land and does no ranching. He outsourced and … [Read more...]
Quick Tips for Kindle Formatting
I read a lot. I do the majority of my reading on Kindle. Yes, I miss the feel of real books and all the reasons many readers don’t make the change from paperback to Kindle. I was won over by the ease of reading from a lighted surface, the ability to highlight passages as I go and easily find it again with a quick search, and the lower prices of … [Read more...]
Kindle Countdown Deal on DIY Kitchen Chemistry
For a limited time you can download my book DIY Kitchen Chemistry on Kindle for only 0.99 cents. Between September 12th and 19th the Kindle price will drop from $2.99 to ONLY 0.99 cents. If you do not have a Kindle you can download the app to your smartphone, tablet, or computer for FREE - no Kindle device required. Please SHARE! … [Read more...]
Kindle Countdown Deal Melt & Pour Soap Book
For a limited time you can download my book How to Make Melt & Pour Soap Base from Scratch on Kindle for only 0.99 cents. Between September 3rd and 10th the Kindle price will drop from $2.99 to ONLY 0.99 cents. If you do not have a Kindle you can download the app to your smartphone, tablet, or computer for FREE - no Kindle device … [Read more...]
Warnings dōTERRA & Young Living Won’t Tell You
The dangerous practices of consuming essential oils and applying them undiluted on the skin have gone viral on the internet, chat rooms and via sale representatives of many dōTERRA and Young Living MLM representatives. Beware of anyone who tells you to ingest essential oils either by putting a few drops in your water or putting them into a capsule. … [Read more...]
Page Numbering in Createspace
Here is a quick how to for authors using the CreateSpace template for self-publishing. I ran page number problems with my upcoming book 360 Degrees of Grief. At midnight Sue Nadel volunteered her husband Steve to help me out. After all the hard work of laying out my book for Createspace in one of their formatted Word documents you might notice … [Read more...]