In so many ways our lives are on hold. We are waiting to hear the latest report. What new information may help us. But when it comes to dealing with companies, I have found myself quite literally on hold for hours over the past few weeks.

Currently I am at the 90-minute mark trying to deal with a problem I was already trying to resolve before all this started. This is my second time on hold because on Friday I spent 90 minutes on hold only to be told that another department would need to call me. Did another department ever call me? Well, no, of course not. Hence why I’m back on hold.
So, what can we do with all this on hold time? I’ve been blogging food recipes. If you follow me you might be thinking that I’m about to publish a cookbook, but I’m not, I’m just trying to do easy tasks while on hold. At the rate I am going sitting on hold I just might have time to write an entire cookbook. Who knows?
I don’t do well with idle time. I need to create. And so, I’ve been experimenting with baking and cooking in my home kitchen. All the things I meant to figure out or test or recipes I’ve been meaning to share. I could get upset and yell at the poor person who finally answers this call, but that only ruins my day and adds to the burden of an employee already dealing with upset people. (Almost to the 2 hour mark on hold.)
So what are you doing with your idle time? Or really like my friend Sharon Shirley asked, “How do you wait well?”
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