The Internet has been all abuzz about the use of essential oils and pets. Opinions have varied and tempers have flared over this topic. I am so thrilled to share an amazing resource for those who want to learn more, report an injury to an animal, and even receive specialized training in animal aromatherapy. Kelly Holland Azzaro has launched Animal Aromatherapy. I have known Kelly for many years and trust her completely as an expert in animal aromatherapy.
Animal Aromatherapy is the perfect place to find information about aromatherapy safety for cats, dogs, birds, horses & hooved animals, smaller mammals, fish & reptiles, and diffusing in your home with pets. The site if full information. You can also join Kelly’s Facebook group Animal Aromatherapy (Safe Use).
Since animals can’t speak for themselves collecting data is vital, that is why it is so important to report an injury to an animal. I am thrilled to see Animal Aromatherapy collecting this information for animals. If you are looking for where to report an essential oil injury for humans you can go to the Atlantic Institute of Aromatherapy or the Tisserand Institute.
Animal Aromatherapy is offering two courses: Animal Aromatherapy Level 1 Foundation Course and Animal Aromatherapy Practitioner Certification Course. and an Animal Flower Essence Certification Course. If you would like to be certified in aromatherapy for humans check out my Ology Essentials Aromatherapy Certification Course.
As I’ve watched the debates online about pets and aromatherapy this quote came to mind.
“The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance—it is the illusion of knowledge.” Daniel J. Boorstin
Please do thorough research before using essential oils on pets and/or advising others on the topic.
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