Business owners, writers, bloggers and busy families alike all have one common question—what is the best method to get myself organized? There is not a one size fits all solution because some people are tech-phobic while others are tech-junkies. Here is my big list of ideas brought to you with the help of my friends on Facebook and network of … [Read more...]
How to Be Your Own Host & Launch a WordPress Blog
I can be like a broken record about how important it is to have your own website and not depend on social media avenues alone. The reasoning for that is fully explained in my book Social Media: Platform Building Blocks for Both the Savvy & the Shy. If cost or being a technophobia has been holding you back—Bluehost self-hosted WordPress just … [Read more...]
Lessons Learned 30 Days of Blogging
With a big sigh of relief I have reached the finish line of the 30 Day Blog Your Brand Challenge hosted by Indie Business Network with 32 blogs posted! The best part about it is that I reached this finish line with a whole bunch of friends. We all learned a ton from the experience. I was greatly blessed when I read what the others bloggers posted … [Read more...]
5 Lessons on Landing the Leap of Faith
In gymnastics landing a leap correctly is nearly as important as your take off and midair execution of the leap. I learned this lesson during my one year attempt at being a gymnast. I’ve never been very coordinated, but that didn’t stop me as a child from making an attempt at many sports and activities that required it. In Junior High I decided … [Read more...]
See The Art, Science & Business of Aromatherapy on The Soap Coach blog
This week the Soap Coach, La Shonda Tyree, used excerpts of my book The Art, Science and Business of Aromatherapy in her blog post Making Sense of Scents. What an honor! Thanks for the blogsphere love La Shonda. … [Read more...]