Earlier in December I saw a vague post that alerted me that Dr. Helena Carlson from Lewis & Clark College had passed away. I wanted to hope it was inaccurate, although I knew she had been ailing for some time. Today I set about searching the internet for clues and found my answer. The very quirky, outspoken and brilliant professor who lead my … [Read more...]
Search the Horizon for a Patch of Blue Sky
When I graduated from high school, I literally walked out of the ceremony, posed for pictures and walked away from everything and everyone that was related to my two years of high school in San Antonio. I went to college at Lewis & Clark in Portland, Oregon and never looked back. When I left for college I thought I would never step foot in San … [Read more...]
Autumn and the Brevity of Life
Autumn always reminds me of the brevity of life. The color of the leaf’s as they change reminds me of the outdoor celebration of life we held a few days after my friend Troy died. Just a few days prior to our celebration of his life, I had passed him in the cafeteria as I rushed out the door. I glanced over at him and every fiber of my body told me … [Read more...]