My mother was a worrier to her very core. In hospice, before she slipped away into days of silence, she looked me in the eyes and said, “I know you are going to be okay, Kayla.” She shook her head in deep agreement with herself and slipped into another long period of sleep. These were some of the last words she ever spoke to me. That she had peace … [Read more...]
The Freedom Found in Forgiveness
My mother would have turned 72 today. She consumed her 69 years of life with vitality and love. She loved her family, friends and strangers. An outing often ended with my mother bringing a stranger in need of a meal, companionship or encouragement home with her. Relationships with people, whether friend, family, foe or stranger were important to … [Read more...]
When Death is Personal & Piercing
Death can make many levels of acquaintance with us. There is some death that is remotely connected to you and gives your heart pause, like distant relatives you never met or celebrities. There is death that hits you full force in the heart. And there is the impact death can make in your life that is everywhere in between. I remember the time … [Read more...]