Today I am kicking off day 1 of 30 days of blogging in the Blog Your Brand Challenge powered by the Indie Business Network. I might be a touch crazy to be jumping into this summer challenge, but I couldn't miss the opportunity to be challenged to work thoughtfully ON my businesses rather than IN them. It takes a conscious effort to step outside of … [Read more...]
Lessons Learned 30 Days of Blogging
With a big sigh of relief I have reached the finish line of the 30 Day Blog Your Brand Challenge hosted by Indie Business Network with 32 blogs posted! The best part about it is that I reached this finish line with a whole bunch of friends. We all learned a ton from the experience. I was greatly blessed when I read what the others bloggers posted … [Read more...]
Never Finished Changing
Famous last words of a stuck mentality: I never did it that way before. I don’t know how to navigate the social media sites. I don’t have a platform. I don’t know how to self-publish. I just don’t understand all that high tech stuff. Whatever famous last words you use an excuse doesn’t matter -- as long as you allow them to stop you they are … [Read more...]
5 Lessons on Landing the Leap of Faith
In gymnastics landing a leap correctly is nearly as important as your take off and midair execution of the leap. I learned this lesson during my one year attempt at being a gymnast. I’ve never been very coordinated, but that didn’t stop me as a child from making an attempt at many sports and activities that required it. In Junior High I decided … [Read more...]