Today I am kicking off day 1 of 30 days of blogging in the Blog Your Brand Challenge powered by the Indie Business Network. I might be a touch crazy to be jumping into this summer challenge, but I couldn’t miss the opportunity to be challenged to work thoughtfully ON my businesses rather than IN them. It takes a conscious effort to step outside of the hustle and bustle of working in the everyday of your business to work on building your brand.
I find it easier to step out on a limb and share my blogging calendar—so here is my plan. It helps me stay focused, work smartly and work with a plan. I need a bit of method to my madness to stay focused. On Friday I wrote How to Succeed at a Blog Challenge to kick off the festivities.
30 Days Blog Your Brand—Summer 2016
July 10th—30 Day Blog Challenge
July 11th—18 Lessons from 18 Years of Marriage
July 12th—Roasted Tomato Pesto with Bison Steaks
July 13th—Big List of Copywriting Resources
July 14th—I’m Only Super Human on Tuesdays
July 15th—How to Cook a Perfect Bison Steak on the Grill
July 16th—Why My Family Loves Medi-share
July 17th—Everything You Ever Need to Know about Copyrights
July 18th—Meet the Bison
July 19th—How Write a Book
JUST ABOUT THIS TIME IN THE CHALLENGE CHAOS HIT MY LIFE. I got off track with my plan but kept blogging.
July 20th—Umami, What?!
July 21st—Living in a Virtual World
July 22nd—Where are You From?
July 23rd—The Battle of Fear
July 24th—Top Ten Reasons to Have a Virtual Assistant
July 25th—Reinvention is the Key to Success
July 26th—Build Your Business with the End in Mind
July 27th—You’re Published, Now What?
July 28th—Social Media Cheat Sheet
July 29th—Bison Steak with a Red Wine Shallot Sauce
July 30th—The Magic of IN versus ON
July 31st Kayla Fioravanti Introducing my First eBook
August 1st—KL Press Releases The Art of Schlepping
August 2nd—Brewing Kombucha Recipe
August 3rd—Ginger Lemon Turmeric Kombucha Recipe
August 4th—Lessons from Dance Moms
August 5th—Everyone Needs a Good Editor
August 6th—Raw Pet Food
August 7th—Why Ingram is the Path to Big Box Stores
August 8th—Lessons from 30 Days of Blogging
Summer is busy so this will truly me a challenge, but I am looking forward to it. You can keep up with everyone in the challenge by following the hashtag #blogyourbrand and cheer the group on.
You’re so organized. Good for you. I love that you have multiple websites. I do too. It’s a challenge keeping up with them if you don’t have an editorial calendar.
Holy moley! You put me to organizational shame. Great job organizing the post topics in advance. I have a list of topics, but I’m not as precise in choosing a topic and which day I’ll post it on so far in advance. Great job! I’m going to sit down and at least outline this week’s posts and see how it works for me. Thanks for the idea!
My long set of comments just went away. So this is the short version:
I signed up for this challenge and then I honestly panicked.
I am strong and I have pushed that panic away. 30-days here I come.
I love your organized editorial calendar. I have been and pen next to me and I will be devising a calendar too!
That would be pen and paper of course, not been and pen. Ha.
Oh my….I am bowing to your organization prowess…I hope I can dig my way to my keyboard every day of the challenge!