Today I am kicking off day 1 of 30 days of blogging in the Blog Your Brand Challenge powered by the Indie Business Network. I might be a touch crazy to be jumping into this summer challenge, but I couldn't miss the opportunity to be challenged to work thoughtfully ON my businesses rather than IN them. It takes a conscious effort to step outside of … [Read more...]
How to Succeed at Blog Challenges
Hello, my name is Kayla, and I am a challenge addict. As any good addict I have my justifications for being addicted to challenges. By their very nature, and name, they challenge me and like that. Challenges also hold me accountable, push me to grow and stretch, and probably best of all—challenges are done as part of a team. I’m social by nature so … [Read more...]
I Survived November
Please excuse my little happy dance. November was rough y'all. During November I participated in the 30 Blog Your Brand Challenge sponsored by Indie Business Network and National Novel Writing Month, also known as NaNoWriMo. Even for a prolific writer this November was definitely a huge challenge. After my interview with where I declared I … [Read more...]