Please excuse my little happy dance. November was rough y’all. During November I participated in the 30 Blog Your Brand Challenge sponsored by Indie Business Network and National Novel Writing Month, also known as NaNoWriMo. Even for a prolific writer this November was definitely a huge challenge. After my interview with where I declared I would get it done, I really had no choice. Right?!
I get to add this shiny new Champion Blogger badge to my website from The Official Blog Your Brand and a NaNoWriMo badge. It is the little things in life that are sometimes thrilling.
What will December bring? I will be doing further testing of recipes, adding more information and starting the editing process for Bison Recipes: The Best Ranch to Table Cookbook.
Thank God it is December!
Wow, that’s a lot of writing for one month! Great work!
How inspiring! Congratulations Kayla!
Congratulations, Kayla! Wow, just one of those accomplishments in a month is amazing, but finishing both is unbelievable. You must be “Superwoman”!