I have a confession to make. My natural medicine cabinet contains more than just essential oils. Shocking, right? How could a certified aromatherapist possibly turn to anything other than essential oils? Because after 20 years of aromatherapy experience I know that essential oils are not the cure to everything. There isn’t always an oil for … [Read more...]
2nd Edition of The Art, Science & Business of Aromatherapy
I am thrilled to announce the release of the 2nd edition of The Art, Science & Business of Aromatherapy: A Guide to Essential Oils & Entrepreneurship. This revised, updated and expanded edition is a complete guide to aromatherapy written by an industry insider. It is packed with uncommon essential oil information that makes this book a must … [Read more...]
The Myth of Aromatherapy Schools of Thought
I'd be rich if I had a penny for the number of times someone has told me that they drink essential oils because they practice the so-called "French Method" of aromatherapy. Let's explore that reasoning. Many believe that aromatherapy diversified into four basic groups in recent years: In England, the use of aromatherapy is from massage, an … [Read more...]
The Big Business Day
I’m so excited to give a peek into what I’ve been working on behind the scenes! Today is a big ambitious day. I have two new businesses to share with you. First—the big news—after six years I am reentering the aromatherapy and cosmetic industries. My new company Ology Essentials offers essential oils, custom formulating, business and … [Read more...]
Cyber Monday Specials
When you live with a family of serial entrepreneurs there is more than one Cyber Monday special happening. On Indie Business Network you will find my Selah Press Coaching services on sale for half price with a 20% discount on 2016 coaching services. You will also find my book The Art, Science & Business of Aromatherapy for 25% off the … [Read more...]
What to do When Injured While Using Essential Oils
Recently I received frantic emails from a mom at 3 a.m. and I didn't see her emails for hours. She had followed the advice of a MLM sales rep to put undiluted essential oils on her toddler. Her child was screaming in pain for hours. I wasn't awake at 3 a.m. so she searched the internet for answers. She found advice from sales reps saying that any … [Read more...]
Aromatherapy FAQ
Ever since I wrote the blog post Warnings dōTERRA & Young Living Won’t Tell You I have been inundated with questions about my own personal essential oil usage. This FAQ post is meant to address the most common questions I receive daily about aromatherapy. Do you sell essential oils? No. I sold my company in 2011. Where do you buy … [Read more...]
FREE Kindle Download Available
You can get a FREE Kindle copy of The Art & Science of Aromatherapy (Abridged Edition) between March 6th and March 10th from Amazon. If you don’t have a Kindle you can download the app for free on a smartphone, tablet, or computer – no Kindle device required. After you read this FREE copy please leave a review. If you have already read the … [Read more...]
Enter to WIN a FREE Book
I am trying out RaffleCopter with a FREE a Rafflecopter giveaway. You can enter to win any of my books by clicking on the link above. The more ways you enter the better your chances are of winning. You can win a FREE copy of any of my books including: 360 Degrees of Grief: Reflections of Hope, Volume 1 The Art, Science and Business … [Read more...]
Kindle Countdown Deal for Aromatherapy Book
My book The Art, Science and Business of Aromatherapy will be available on Kindle for only 0.99 cents between August 26th and September 2nd. This book normally sells for $2.99 on Kindle and will be reduced for a short period of time. Take advantage of this great deal. If you do not have a Kindle you can download the app to your smartphone, tablet, … [Read more...]
Warnings dōTERRA & Young Living Won’t Tell You
The dangerous practices of consuming essential oils and applying them undiluted on the skin have gone viral on the internet, chat rooms and via sale representatives of many dōTERRA and Young Living MLM representatives. Beware of anyone who tells you to ingest essential oils either by putting a few drops in your water or putting them into a capsule. … [Read more...]