I have a confession to make. My natural medicine cabinet contains more than just essential oils. Shocking, right? How could a certified aromatherapist possibly turn to anything other than essential oils? Because after 20 years of aromatherapy experience I know that essential oils are not the cure to everything. There isn’t always an oil for … [Read more...]
Elderberry & Hibiscus Syrup Recipe
After discovering the wonders of Fire Cider I started to watch to see what other natural remedies people were talking about. As it happened, my friend Elizabeth Hill was making Elderberry Syrup that day. She sent me her recipe and then I read a bunch of other versions to learn more and come up with my own version. Ingredients 1 ½ cups dried … [Read more...]
The Fire Cider Craze & Recipe
I recently picked up the brew your own fire cider craze. I jumped on the bandwagon when I heard a whole bunch of people talking about brewing their own concoction. Once I made my first batch I was not enthusiastic about it. I sniffed it, scrunched up my nose, put the lid back on and proceeded to stared at the finished product for a while. I moved … [Read more...]