Writing is a solitary venture. It is hours, upon hours of working with only the sound of your own voice leaking from your mind onto the page. Writing is stealing quiet moments to write instead of watching TV, reading or other forms of relaxation. Writing requires discipline, focus and stolen moments. Writing is exposing your heart to the … [Read more...]
Publishing, and Coaching, and Services, Oh My!
Since we sold Essential Wholesale in 2011 I’ve been busy raising kids, publishing books, chasing chickens and settling in across the country. Right away people started asking me to help them publish their books. I responded by publishing the book How to Self-Publish: A Guide for Author-Preneurs. Countless people have used that book to … [Read more...]
Death to the Enemy by Paper Cut
My friend and fellow author Michelle Titus sent me an uplifting email after she read my book When I was Young I Flew the Sun as a Kite. In her email she wrote, “It is a great gift to be able to work life out on paper. It’s a slow death to the enemy, that being death by paper cut.” I love this idea: working out life on paper is a slow death … [Read more...]
Preview from Chapter 1 of How to Self-Publish
Enjoy this free preview of How to Self-Publish, The Author-preneur's Guide to Publishing from Chapter 1. Chapter 1 Becoming an Author-preneur Roadmap Technology is moving so fast that, by the time this book is published, much of the information may be outdated. The good news is that those changes will complement the information you are … [Read more...]
Coming Soon :: How to Self-Publish: The Author-preneur Guide to Publishing
In my new book, How to Self-Publish: The Author-preneur Guide to Publishing I share with readers how to turn blogs, teaching handouts, e-books and ideas into self-published On Demand books that can go straight to online bookstores like Amazon and Barnes & Noble with little to no costs. I walk with you step-by-step through the eBook and On … [Read more...]
Learn the Nuts & Bolts of Demand Publishing
I am excited to announce my newest project. I am going to write a book that will provide you with a step by step checklist for publishing your own book On Demand. I haven't named my newest project (maybe y'all can help me with that) but I am well on my way to finishing it in time to speak at the Tennessee Soap & Candle Meeting in May about On … [Read more...]