I was recently sent a proposed blog post, and while I generally say no, I found this one amusing. Who didn’t sit in a Bingo game at one point in their life and get caught up in the fun of it? This version of bingo pokes fun at the highs and lows of motherhood. It is good to know we aren’t alone in this crazy amazing exhilarating journey. Being a … [Read more...]
Scars Have Stories :: Their Power Depends on You
I was fascinated with the sound, th, th, thth, th, th, thth, as the tip of my shoe toe nipped against the spokes of my mother's bicycle. I was 4 years old and I loved the feeling the wind in my hair and the warmth of the sun on my back. I was particularly fascinated with the vibrational sound that my shoe made as it flirted with the spinning spokes … [Read more...]