WHAT GRIEF TAUGHT ME by Kayla Fioravanti from 360 Degrees of Grief My first awkward experience with grief was in grade school as I tried to tame my quivering bottom lip at my neighbor’s funeral. Over the span of my lifetime grief has become more than an acquaintance. I’ve stood by loved ones in their valleys and they’ve stood by in mine. I’ve … [Read more...]
Forge Your Path 1° Differently
When I was a kid there was a metal sign on my path to school. It was just to the left of the worn walking path that led from my home in Perlaucher Forrest to Munich America Elementary School. This sign wasn’t actually on the small worn path that cut through grass. It was a road sign that gave instruction to the drivers. Where we walked wasn’t an … [Read more...]
Electronic Idols :: A Confession Story
I recently took a writing class at Multnomah University. In the class we were given the assignment to write a confession story. This story, from my life, is what immediately popped into my mind to tell. Electronic Idols My previously promising future appeared muted from the perspective I had on my life, while sitting in my dimly lit living room. … [Read more...]