Business hours are when you work in your business. A wise small business owner will also work on their business after everyone else clocks out. Sure you can work 40 hours a week if you want to as an entrepreneur, but that only works successfully when you have employees who work in your business during those hours and you work on your … [Read more...]
How to Build an Empire, Write a Book or Follow Your Dreams
One of the most common phrases said to me is: “I do not know how you do it all.” And probably the most common question asked of me as a mom-preneur is, “How do you do it all?” Here is my quick and easy answer. I don’t do it all. I do the important things well. I make products. I write and publish books—12 of them so far! I work as a formulator … [Read more...]
How to Self-Publish: The Author-preneur’s Guide to Publishing on Sale NOW
My new paperback book How to Self-Publish: The Author-preneur's Guide to Publishing is now on Check it out if you or anyone that you know has ever dreamed of publishing a book. Be sure to leave me a review on after you finish reading How to Self-Publish: The Author-preneur's Guide to Publishing. Reviews can be found … [Read more...]