I am a fan of you, unapologetically. Being your mother gave more purpose to my life than I ever imagined. The joy of us being tethered forever feeds my soul.We are tethered by DNA, shared traits, and by your fetal cells that remain in me, and my material cells still in you. These traveling cells that we exchanged remain embedded in each of us, but … [Read more...]
Rage Bait
Division. Rage. Conflict. I’ve felt it loudly as I’ve walked silently through this time in history.The extremes of both sides have closed their ears and left their mouths wide open projecting undigested hate.Hardened hearts send sparks that start wildfires. Pundits fan the flames from both sides. Agitators add fuel. And as a society we combust. A … [Read more...]
Fall Silent and Listen
In all the noise, no one is listening. In all the debate, no one has ears to hear. Fall silent for a moment and listen. Put your defenses down and hear. We are called to love one another. We are designed to care.The violence of each side’s rhetoric has numbed us to our basic calling—to love one another. If each of us stepped back—fell silent—and … [Read more...]
Fierce Love Blurs Negative History
When I was a child my mother never let me use coloring books. She didn’t want me to learn to color within the lines. She taught me to use the entire piece of paper when I colored. She taught me that the sky should take up at least half of the page and not be a tiny blue line at the top of the page. She taught me to use all the colors in the Crayola … [Read more...]
Love Me or Love Me Not
I remember it so clearly. I must have been about 6 years old when my mother took me to the store to pick out any doll I wanted. We weren't big shoppers so it was a huge deal to go to the store to buy a doll. I stood in the aisles searching their faces looking for the most beautiful and lovely doll of them all. Finally, I saw her. I fell immediately … [Read more...]