Love is sharing your popcorn.Charles M. SchulzI love popcorn. End of statement...let's get to the recipe! Well, really, recipes because you need caramel and cheese popcorn to make Chicago Mix. Caramel Popcorn RecipeIngredients 1 cup Butter2 cups Brown Sugar½ cup Corn Syrup1 tsp. Sea Salt½ tsp. Baking Soda1 tsp. Pure Vanilla Extract2/3 cup Popcorn … [Read more...]
Reverse Agave Caramel Apples
Agave Caramel with Granny Smith apples are a favorite treat around our house. When I saw a picture on Pinterest of apples filled with caramel I simply had to combine my Agave Caramel recipe with this idea of a reverse caramel apple. Here are the results. Apple 8-10 Granny Smith Apples 2 quarts cold water 1/4 to 1/2 cup lemon … [Read more...]