I’m a huge fan of A.A. Milne’s Winnie the Pooh. I discovered the wonders of Winnie the Pooh quotes while in college. His quotes can easily apply to life, business, family and friendships. This is my list of Winnie the Pooh business tips with a few poetic licenses taken. “You can't stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to … [Read more...]
Dream Big, Dream Crazy
My new job as full time wife, mother and author has been a great blessing. At the same time it has been a big adjustment and learning experience as I’ve adjusted to going from having lots of help from employees to becoming a one woman show with the occasional help of a virtual assistant. But sometimes, you have to forge ahead alone when you have a … [Read more...]
Kayla Fioravanti Books on Kindle
This week author Kayla Fioravanti releases Kindle editions of her three books The Art, Science and Business of Aromatherapy, How to Make Melt & Pour Soap Base from Scratch and DIY Kitchen Chemistry. The Art, Science and Business of Aromatherapy, Your Guide for Personal Aromatherapy and Entrepreneurship is your complete guide to … [Read more...]
Grounded for Life
Small piece of advice: always, and I mean always, take a potty break before they slap the handcuffs on. Honestly, I’ve only had the pleasure of wearing handcuffs twice in my life, which I know is less than some and more than others, so I don’t know if I qualify as an expert on the subject or not. But the two times I found myself handcuffed all I … [Read more...]
Review from Lora Cantele of The Art, Science and Business of Aromatherapy
"Anyone who knows me knows that I “collect” and lot of books and use them for reference, but rarely have the time to read them cover to cover. That changed when I received a copy of Kayla’s new book, her second, and started reading it from cover to cover. It was the first time in a very long time that I have done that. From the very … [Read more...]