Advocating for me and my family’s health has been a lifetime journey. My dad ignited my passion for natural medicine in 1977 when my face was badly burned while my mom and I were making candles. In the emergency room the doctor told us that I’d have burn scars on my face forever. As a young girl that terrified me. Every single night for at least a year, my dad placed cooled chamomile tea bags on my face followed by an opened vitamin E pill until all signs of the burns were gone.

I was forever changed. Not by scars, but by the cure. The inevitable scars were defeated by the same chamomile tea my dad drank along with the Vitamin E pills that I took every day. It changed the way I looked at everyday items. It especially altered what I heard when given a negative prognosis. It taught me to advocate for my own health and to think outside the box. It also crushed the entire idea that some things cannot be done. It gave me a “we will see about that” sort of attitude towards every proclamation given from on high.
That attitude combined with my momma bear instincts changed my life. When I was a few weeks pregnant with Keegan I started having severe cramps. I called my doctor’s office, and the nurse told me that if I was miscarrying there was nothing they could do. I hung up the phone and picked up the phone book. I started calling naturopathic doctors. I quickly found a naturopathic midwife. I was doubled over in pain when a friend rushed me to their office. I was given homeopathic medicine that stopped the cramps. Months later when I delivered Keegan the midwife asked me if I knew that I had almost had miscarriage as she showed me the damage done to the placenta. (Long story, but my entire labor was only 1 hour and 9 minutes so the midwife that delivered Keegan was a complete stranger who knew nothing of my medical history.)
Years later I used my healthy skepticism when I was told my daughter, Selah, would go completely blind in one eye and there was nothing that could be done. I did the research and found a doctor who was willing to work with us after I read, Take Off Your Glasses and See: A Mind: Body Approach to Expanding Your Eyesight and Insight. While the approach of this book wasn’t the right route for Selah, it gave us some clues and started us on a new journey. With years of work, we stopped the progression, and even regained some of her vision in that eye. Her vision was 20/400 with correction when we started and 20/40 with correction years later.
Selah’s health battle did not stop there. I cannot count how many doctors offices we have visited over her lifetime. Or how many times I asked, “Is this normal?” Countless doctors said yes. But her health struggles were not normal at all. She shares her story on Instagram and Facebook.
At 16 years old Selah was diagnosed with Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome. She adapted. During her sophomore year of college, she had to take a medical leave of absence and withdraw. After years of crises, emergency room trips, misdiagnosis, and tests she was diagnosed with Gastroparesis and shortly later with Crohn’s Disease as well. We were told she had to have surgery and start life altering infusion therapy.
Selah and I dug into the information about the treatments, and it didn’t feel like the right solution because we couldn’t confirm that it would not cause more issues for her Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome and Gastroparesis. We kept researching because watch me is my attitude towards being told that something can’t be done, can’t be cured, or that alternatives don’t work.
Shortly after Selah’s diagnosis, my son Keegan attended a seminar about Regenerative Therapy. He thought it would be good for all of us, but especially and most urgently for Selah. Keegan gave me the free ebook, Stem Cells Made Simple, and we watched this seminar on regenerative therapy here.
The fact that Regenerative Therapy increases the body’s natural ability to signal regeneration, decrease inflammation, and modulate the immune system in a safe way had our attention. It was the opposite of what her future would look like if we chose infusion therapy and surgery. While Selah is in the beginning phases with this life changing therapy, we are happy so far. We haven’t seen the inside of an urgent care, emergency room, or doctor’s office in months. That is a record. We were told that Selah would live a miserable life and lose her stomach if we didn’t agree to infusion therapy.
We are so excited about this regenerative therapy that we have partnered up with New Hope Regeneration. I’m excited to be partnered with them to share more about how you can live younger and stronger for longer with Infiniti Matrix! Because the best part is that no matter what is going on with your life and health regenerative therapy can help you meet your health goals including:
- Regenerate & Repair Tissue – Regenerative cells seek out damage and work to regenerate the damaged tissue.
- Decrease Pain & Soreness – Regenerative cells have powerful anti-inflammatory action to reduce pain & soreness.
- Improve Your Health – Research shows regenerative cells may benefit a wide variety of health complications and assist you in living a stronger, healthier life.
If you want to learn more about Regenerative Therapy, you can set up a free one on one consultation over the phone to discuss your personal situation by scanning down the page until you find the schedule.
Whether it is this therapy or another, all alternatives are worth researching. My life journey has taught me to trust my gut and to do research. And not just research that will confirm my own bias or the doctor’s bias.
This blog post contains some affiliate links and some just plain old links with no monetary value at all.
My Sourdough Journey – Kayla Fioravanti
Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Awareness Month – Kayla Fioravanti
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