In the past few years I have been strangely attracted to the color red. I’ve got a red purse, red jacket, red camera, and red van. It isn’t even my favorite color and I don’t look good in red. But red speaks to how I want to live. I want to live out loud, vibrantly, loudly, and fully. Red doesn’t care if other approve of it. Red stands out in a crowd. Red takes chances and refuses to blend in. Red, to me, lives like the song “How You Live” and has no regrets. Red is at peace with itself.
My daughter Selah drew me a picture years ago and had all my kids sign it. It has rolling hills with a skyline in the background. On it she wrote, “Mom, I love you. We love you. You give us some much atenchen. Love, Selah, Caiden and Keegan.” Right there, right in that moment I knew that I was living my life as a mother intentionally. Despite the pressure I am under during the day at the office caused by me leaving promptly at 2:45 p.m. in order to be there to pick up my kids, I know I am at peace with how I am living.
I keep the picture hanging right by my desk so that when the pressure of juggling business and family feels overwhelming a quick glance can remind me of why I chose this path to live.
Red reminds me to live it out loud, live with intent, live like red.
What’s your favorite color? Which one describes how you want to live your life? Are you living your life intentionally? Share your thoughts in the comments section below. Let’s make a rainbow together!!
i learned a lot here. thank you so much.
I love bright cheerful colors. I want to be bright and cheerful in this world……..yellow, oranges and purples are my favorite. Dandelion yellow is my all time favorite. 🙂 Sorry I missed you and the girls while you were in town.