Help me chose a cover for my next book Puffy & Blue. I think I’m leaning towards one of them, but I would love to hear your opinion. And don’t worry about whether or not you like the font — this is just a mock up and I will have someone professionally do the book cover. I would love any input you have for a subtitle.
Do you like Puffy & Blue Cover Photo #1?
How about Puffy & Blue Cover Photo #2?
Or Puffy & Blue Cover Photo #3?
Or is your favorite Puffy & Blue Photo #4?
So what is your vote? Any subtitle ideas? If you come up with the subtitle that I chose for Puffy & Blue I will send you a signed copy when the book is released along with an acknowledgement in the book. Puffy and Blue will be a book filled with stories about me and my childhood cat. Puffy lived to be twenty-one years old and her friendship spanned my entire childhood and early adult life. Puffy joined our family in Japan and moved with us to California, Texas, Germany, two more transfers in Texas until she ultimately joined me in college at Lewis and Clark in Portland, Oregon. She died shortly before I graduated from college. Here are two Puffy stories that might help inspire a great subtitle: Perseverance Lived Out and Our Dreams are Only Limited by Our Belief.
Leave a comment below with your book cover vote and subtitle suggestions. You can vote once, but you can leave as many suggestions as you want.
Photo credits go to Lisa Rodgers at Shoot Y’all Photography. Thanks Lisa for so many amazing choices!
I think they are all great but my personal favorite is Cover #2
That is my favorite too.
I like 4 and 1 🙂 Sweet photos of your girl and the kitty. Paints the picture of your relationship as a young girl with your cat.
Caiden votes for #1 too.
I vote for Picture #1. My subtitle would be “A love story about a cat and her human”. Not very creative but the pictures are awesome.
Oh, I like that subtitle.
I vote for the last one:)
That is a great one.
I love number 3 because of the contrast. That kitten is just stunning. Great job Lisa!
Your right the colors are so vibrant and contrasting. And it is a great shot of the kitten too. Lisa rocks!
Many thanks, Shelly and Kayla!
I have always thought you are a gifted writer. It is so nice to see you writing books. All the pics are beautiful, but I would use the one with the panther from “Our Dreams are only limited by our beliefs” :o)
Thanks – I’m loving writing for a living.
I love cover #4. Both #1 and #4 reflect so much warmth and love. Life teachings from a furry friend. Life wisdom gained from a furry friend. Life and the wisdom of a cat. Life, wisdom, and a cat’s love. Life, wisdom, and my lifelong friend.
Oh I like all of those. I think I like the last two the best.
Love #4.
The Hopes and Dreams of Puffy and Blue.
That is a good one.
#4 is my choice, but #1 is a close second.
It is so hard to pick. I’m glad I asked because I see the crowd is leaning towards the ones that show the cat and my daughter standing in for me and Puffy.
I am so not a creative person. BUT, I like number two. When I hear the word journey, I think of walking…….so I like the leg in this picture. Walking through life with Puffy…..or something like that…..
#2 is my favorite too. As I read everyone’s comments I just might use a full picture on both front and back covers.
I like #4. It grabs me and makes me want to explore more. Subtitle – Lessons about friendship, life and unconditional love (or something to that effect) or Growing Up With A Devoted Friend
Unconditional love is a good aspect to have in the subtitle. I like that.
I like the abstract of #2 but I also like the love you see in #1. I enjoyed reading your short stories that you shared from the book. I want to read more about your experiences.
I am a little confused about the use of the word Blue in the title. Does it refer to a feeling or the color?
I am starting to lean towards having #2 on the back cover because I love that one and because it includes the blue boots. I never let nicknames stick, but in Texas I wore blue cowboy boots and allowed a few people to call me Blue. I liked the title Puffy & Blue better than Puffy & Kayla.
I have a Bear bias, Kayla. I’m absolutely no use to you in the voting department because I love them all! Bear and Caiden go quite well together. I had a ball on this day and I’m humbled and honored you chose me to shoot the cover of your next book! Bear is going to be famous!! Hope she doesn’t become a fuzzy diva 😉
We must take extra care so it doesn’t got to Bear and Caiden’s heads. 🙂
My first choice is cover #4, second choice is cover #3.
Thanks Rita!
My favorite is #2.
My favorite too.
I’m all about the non typical images so #2 is my fave but I think one that gives your beautiful Caiden some show off needs to be given large space on the back if not the front. They are all great!
I love number 2. It is my favorite, but I am now thinking that I will use number two for the back cover because we can write over some of it and still see the image.
Sounds good to me!
Love, love, love #1. You can feel the love!
So true!
#1 hands down!!! 🙂
This one is so sweet — and this is Caiden’s vote too. 🙂
Love # 2, #1 is sweet. If I were shopping at a bookstore, I would be more likely to pick the book with the #2 cover off the shelf to look at, before I would any of the other covers.
Thanks – I keep going back to #2 as well.
LOVE #2!
Me too — I love all the bright colors!
I think #2 is precious, but there’s great room for copy so this could work as a back cover image. #3 looks like a “Cats Life” magazine cover so, not lovin’ it. But I also like #4 alot. Needs the image of “you” and the kitty cat. As for subtitles…I would find a way to play on the word “prize.” It looks like she brought you lots of prizes all the time, but she was a prize to you as well. Might be fun to work with that word or another word that has the same connotation. Can’t wait to see the whole thing!
Thanks Leigh Ann — great insight!
Hey! The whole family here loves #4. Mom and I can’t wait for the book to come out!
Number 4 sure shows of those blue blue eyes! This has been a fun book to work on.