My book The Art, Science and Business of Aromatherapy will be available on Kindle for only 0.99 cents between August 26th and September 2nd. This book normally sells for $2.99 on Kindle and will be reduced for a short period of time. Take advantage of this great deal. If you do not have a Kindle you can download the app to your smartphone, tablet, … [Read more...]
Not to Bring Up Politics or Anything
Social media has been ablaze with political, religious and social debates. It hasn’t been pretty lately. I try to avoid talking about any of those hot topics on social media. My tag line is, “wife, mother, author” and not “political activist” so I tend to stick to family, food, kittens, chickens, writing and other neutral topics. But lately … [Read more...]
Cats Don’t Have Germs
Our cat Gogo is well known as a troublemaking, food stealing, mischievous character. He is ever present in our house. Where we go, he goes. His involvement in our day starts at the crack of dawn until he safely puts us to bed having supervised our every move. We have all learned to carefully guard our food, vitamins and drinks from Gogo. … [Read more...]