In 24 years of business we have had success and failures. Two great lessons have come of both the successes and the failures. The first I talked about in my blog post The Battle of Fear. Is your fear simply false evidence appearing real? Or it there a true dictionary definition classic reason for the unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that … [Read more...]
No Overnight Success Stories — Hallelujah Anyway
The phrase overnight success cracks me up. I am sure someone out there has been an overnight success at some point in life, but for most of us the road to success if littered with failure and defeat. I know it has been for me. My friend Lela Barker has a business called Lucky Break Consulting. She came up with the name because people thought … [Read more...]
Business Failure on the Path to Success
What?! You have owned a restaurant? This is the common response I get when I mention that chapter from our business lives. Well, the whole story isn't glamorous at all. Here is part of the story from Chapter 1, "The Rest of the Business Story" in DIY Kitchen Chemistry. The setting was in the kitchen of PB&J’s Live on a busy Friday night. It … [Read more...]