My turn, my turn, my turn! I’m super excited to have gotten Regenerative Therapy today. My top priority was getting Selah treatment and now it’s my turn. And as a bonus Caiden’s too! All I wanted for Christmas was regenerative therapy! And I got it!
My burn recovery journey that I shared on Facebook in October showed off the power of nature, so I thought I’d share my stem cell journey along the way too. You can also see images from the burn case study that I ended up doing for the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapist on my blog and there is a link to the NAHA Journal that the case study is published in.
I carry my entire history in my body every day. Everyone does, because the body keeps the score of traumas, but mine takes that mission a touch too seriously. For most people the body keeps emotional scores. My body keeps those along with all the physical trauma as well. I never fully heal from most of my injuries.
The first score that I can remember my body keeping the score of was from two broken fingers in 2nd grade in the 1970’s. The most recent injury that my body is choosing to keep the score of is from a nurse squeezing my finger for a finger blood test prick a few months ago that has left the joint inflamed and red. That’s just how Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome manifests in me. Minor things cause injuries that are not proportional to the infliction at all, and these minor and major injuries often don’t fully heal.
So rather than give a big ta-da in the end, I wanted to share my regeneration therapy journey transparently from the start. Today was day one!
Here are the major scores that my body is keeping. My hope is that regenerative therapy will start reversing the scorecard that my body is keeping.
Head to Toe
Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome (EDS) results in loose joints, thin easily torn and bruised skin, chronic injuries that never fully heal, chronic pain and inflammation. EDS causes cyclical and spontaneous flares that can be triggered by things such as scents, foods, stress, and exertion. Activities cause micro and macro injuries.
Comorbidities are common with EDS and my body decided to collect a few. The one that’s impacted me the most throughout my lifetime is Mast Cell Activation Syndrome — which means that inappropriately firing mast cells causes allergic symptoms. MCAS also gives me chronically inflamed lymph nodes. The positive of MCAS for me is that what I thought was allergies caused me to have a need for clean and natural topical products long before that there was anything on the market. The void in the industry is what was the catalyst to my research to develop products I could use, which became the launching point for Essential Wholesale all those years ago and now Ology Essentials and Ology Essentials Labs. Without MCAS I don’t know what I would have been when I grew up.
When my skin suddenly appeared to be straight out of a zombie movie one day when I was exceptionally cold, I learned that I had Livedo reticularis, which is caused by swollen blood vessels that cause reddish blue net pattern on skin when cold. Now even 70-degree air conditioning I could audition for a part as a zombie. Speaking of the cold, I’ve never regulated temperature well. And the Livedo reticularis is a symptom of the Dysautonomia that gives me body temperature issues in both hot and cold environments.
I’ve needed new glasses for the past few months, but I wanted to hold off because I’ve read reports of vision improvement with regenerative therapy. My glasses are expensive because I have refractive amblyopia which made me to be legally blind in one eye with overall poor vision. I don’t have expectations of good vision, but I certainly didn’t want even a small improvement to change a brand-new prescription—so I’ve waited. My poor vision has contributed to many of my injuries because I move through life quickly and smack into a lot of things.
Due to EDS I have very thin gums, which was exasperated by German orthodontic work in the 1970’s that was pretty archaic. I had to have 4 adult teeth removed and they moved my teeth so quickly over the voids that my gums were damaged and further thinned. I had skin grafts done on my gums in 1980’s and I want to avoid any further gum grafts because—OUCH!
EDS also impacts my throat because it causes weak mucus membranes, cords, and ligaments. Because of this I have a sore throat by evening every single day. Sickness can sneak up on me because I have that, ‘something is wrong’ sensation daily. It also causes me to easily lose my voice when I work trade shows and at speaking events.
Respiratory infections used to be my Achilles heel. I am not sure if it’s the CBD, NAET treatments I’ve gotten, or my supplements and routines that have resolved my immune system issues, but over the past few years I have barely gotten sick. I got COVID once and quickly recovered and had one stomach flu in the past 3 years. I started my weight loss journey and supplement routine in early 2020 because COVID was impacting people who were overweight and immune compromised so I wanted to do what I could to improve ability to fight it when and if I got it. I am curious whether I will see any change on the scale since my weight can vary from inflammation. I’m 5 pounds away from the goal that I set in 2020 so I am tracking patterns already.
The biggest area of pain for me has been my back and neck. I was in a serious car accident in 1984. Chronic and excruciating back pain has been my companion since that day. The pain impacts the entire left side of my back and neck, but especially from mid back to my shoulder. It also causes numbness and pain into my left hand. CBD has helped me move away from OTC and prescription medications to deal with my back pain, but oh how I’d love to be unaware of my back for a day.
The back pain exasperates my insomnia and pain-somnia. CBD has greatly improved my sleep but it still a struggle and I’d love to go to sleep without the aids, rituals, and routines required today to get a night of sleep.
Since my first pregnancy in 1992 I’ve had sciatic nerve pain on right side. Pregnancies were exceptionally hard for me, but the big bonus of EDS is super-fast deliveries—like a 1 hour and 9 minutes from start to finish with my first pregnancy and quicker on the next two.
Last December I took a hard tumble, and my arm has hurt as if I just fell down yesterday all year long. Countless treatments and therapies on it has done nothing to heal it.
My hands suffer from chronic numbness, inflammation, and pain. As I mentioned my left middle finger joint has been swollen, red, hot, and painful since blood prick a few months ago. I hyper extended my right thumb a decade or so ago which has left it chronically painful.
In 2017 I torn my labrum in my right hip when I stepped off a curb to sheering pain. I didn’t step wrong, fall, or otherwise do anything to injure myself. It just happened and so my body is keeping that score too.
The whole lower right side is a mess as my right knee is chronically displaced and my right foot has Morton’s Neuroma which impacts ability to wear most shoes. My right foot has fractured at least 3 x just from overuse and no particular injury since 2012. The first break was when we moved into our house in Tennessee, and I was left to handle the movers and the kids on my own all day. I did it at the expense of my foot. I was in agony but just kept pushing myself because I had no other choice. At the end of the day, when I looked down my foot was swollen out of my Birkenstocks. So, after the movers left, I spent the evening in the emergency room. My foot has not been without pain free since July 2012. I could only wear slippers until I started using hemp CBD on it at the end of 2017. I can now wear shoes but I have to be very careful about what kind I wear.
Both of my feet have suffered from chronic plantar fasciitis and poorly healed broken toes. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve broken my toes because it’s just a nonissue at this point, it’s been that common. Although my last break from dropping a giant mixer on my left big toe was quite memorable and that sucker still hurts too. In addition, both legs have varicose veins and edema.
A new score my body appears to be keeping is vitiligo on my neck and chest. I did some research and found this can be caused by autoimmune issues, but in the past few years I’ve stopped going to doctor. I don’t handle medication well so I rarely can or want to take a prescription and I don’t heal well from surgery so the major tools in a doctor’s arsenal just aren’t for me anyway, so I have no diagnosis to explain the loss of pigment I am experiencing. I’ve spent a fortune on tests to get various diagnosis and it’s just not worth it anymore.
Here’s the deal. With Regenerative Therapy you don’t always need the diagnosis. And I am not all these diagnoses or health issues.
Regenerative Therapy with Infiniti Matrix:
- seeks out degeneration and works to build, repair, and create new tissue.
- has powerful anti-inflammatory properties reduce inflammation in the body.
- modulates the body’s immune response.
Once upon a time I wanted to find my very own Dr. House to pinpoint the cause of all symptoms the kids and I have struggled with. But the reality is that the Ultimate physician designed stem cells to be even smarter than a TV doctor.
I would have traveled anywhere for this treatment, but it turns out that 1 of 8 of their offices is right here in Franklin, Tennessee. I’ve searched the world for alternative treatments and the most important one just happens to be in my backyard—literally 4 miles from my house. But people travel here and to the other their other locations regularly for this therapy. I would not have hesitated to travel for it.
If you’d like to learn more about Regenerative Therapy check out this seminar which breaks down the complicated, controversial, and often confusing subject and makes it easy to learn, understand, and access ethical stem cells. Or just skip ahead and schedule a complimentary consultation to learn if Infiniti Therapy is right for you.
I will be sharing my journey on this blog and social media. I’m excited for the adventure and to see if this therapy will be as life changing for me and Caiden as it’s been for Selah. By sheer will I’ve never allowed this excessive scorekeeping to slow me down. In fact, it’s been the catalyst to my business journey as I’ve selfishly researched to reduce my own pain or created products for the chemically sensitive. I will consider it a success if regenerative therapy can dial back the pain and inflammation and blind my body to some of the excessive score keeping.
My body hates me, but I’ve sent it a love note in the form of Regenerative Therapy today and hopeful that we can start making up with each other.
Day one report: I tasted beets when the stem cells were injected into me. Some people taste nothing, some taste beets, and others taste strawberries. It was not painful and only took a few moments. So far, I am just tired. It hit me like a ton of bricks a few hours after I received my therapy. That is expected and common for the first 72 hours. I don’t taste the beets anymore but Selah reports that she can smell it. Selah also tasted beets when she got the therapy, and I could smell it as well.
2 week update: normally massages are therapeutic and very painful for me. Over the last year when I’ve gotten massages my therapist has used a lot of ice packs after she works each area — which is definitely not relaxing. It has felt like broken tempered glass has replaced my muscles and tendons around all my joints while I’ve gotten massages over the past decade. But today only two areas felt like broken tempered glass and the rest felt like just sore muscles. After spending a whole lot of time in this mineral soak today I’m feeling amazing.
1 month report: Permanent and mysterious bruises are one of the many signs of my Ehlers Danlos Syndrome journey. I got my 1st permanent bruise in 1987 and the one showing here about 3 years ago. This is the lightest this bruise has ever been! One month after having Regenerative Therapy I am seeing and feeling changes. I no longer have pain-somnia. I don’t know when to stop working because I’ve always used mind numbing pain as my indicator that I’m done for the day. I don’t feel like I got run over by a truck when I wake up in the morning. Unhealed injuries are actually starting to feel better like my left arm from a fall 13 months ago is recovering. The pain in my fingers and hands is minimal despite this extreme cold snap we’ve experienced for the past week. My energy level is so much higher. Two thumbs up one month in and more progress to come.
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This blog post contains some affiliate links and some just plain old links with no monetary value at all.
Oh I am going to love following your journey! I too have a body that “hates” me but I’m trusting the Ultimate physician and the modern therapies He’s provided for us. I can’t wait to hear how regenerative therapy helps you! Ty for sharing!