Phrases get stuck in my head sometimes. Even a word combo can replay for days in my head. Last week at church we sang a song that said, “even so . . .”
Even so has been stuck in my head ever since, so today I decided to look up the definition.
In spite of . . . nevertheless . . .notwithstanding . . .despite that . . .in spite of that. . .
That totally speaks to me. No wonder the phrase has been stuck in my head. As I said in an earlier blog post, I believe in saying hallelujah anyway at the end of the day – no matter what the day held. While some days it may take me a moment to come around to a hallelujah anyway attitude – I do try to face each moment with an even so attitude.
I’m exhausted, but even so my family needs me.
I’m busy; even so this task must get done today.
I’m overwhelmed; even so I’m going to focus on one problem at a time.
You hurt my feelings; even so I’m going to show you love.
My friend Ginger Moore recently shared a quote by Karen Kingsbury that said,
“Here’s an exercise: Each morning when you wake up, check the fertile soil of your heart to see if any bitter seed has taken root. That friend who betrayed you, the boss who berated you, the husband who barely understands you—bitter seeds will try to take root in every garden. Weeds are like that.
Next do this: For every bitter root that’s come up, apply the greatest weed killer of all—forgiveness. To forgive is to cultivate a garden God will delight in, one filled with the flowers of kindness and tenderness.”
Ginger wrote,
“Bitter seeds lead to bitter roots. Bitter roots lead to bitter root judgements. Bitter root judgements lead to bitter root expectations. Bitter root expectations lead to bitter root disappointments. And then the cycle starts all over again.”
Despite any challenge you might face, don’t allow bitter seeds to take root in your life. Unresolved hurt (failure, disappointment, arguments and so forth) can plant bitter seeds. Once bitter seeds take root they strangle out the healthy roots in your life.
Add even so into your vocabulary and if you face the end of the day feeling defeated sing, hallelujah anyway.
A great post and you have a wonderful attitude. I live the comparison to a garden and using forgiveness as a weed killer.
Love this post and “even so” seems like a great attitude to have-thank you for this!
You bet Marilyn!