I have two aromatherapy books available on Amazon. One is an abridged version of the other. An abridged book is a shorten version with parts that have been cut or omitted. In my book The Art & Science of Aromatherapy the business of aromatherapy sections have been cut from my book The Art, Science & Business of Aromatherapy. So in short the abridged edition is for consumers and the full version is for business owners.
The Art, Science & Business of Aromatherapy is jam packed full of business tips including: The Business of Aromatherapy, Building Your Brand, Navigating Industry Regulations, Do Not Pass Go without Knowing Safety Information, Cosmetics, Drugs, and Soaps…Oh My!, Good Manufacturing Practices and You, Essential Oil Crop Calendar, Weights & Measurements, Aromatherapy Schools, Aromatherapy and Business Resources, plus what is in The Art & Science of Aromatherapy.
You will find The Genesis of Aromatherapy, The Science of Aromatherapy, The Art of Blending Essential Oils, Practical Aromatherapy, Creating Aromatherapy Products, Essential Oil Profiles as well as information about oils, butters, ingredients, and aromatherapy resources in The Art & Science of Aromatherapy.
Which book is right for you? It depends on whether you are interested in essential oils as a business or for personal use. Whether you are a solo-preneur or part of an MLM you will find useful information in the unabridged version.
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