My co-author, Stacey Haluka, will be in the docu-series (UN)Well on Netflix which premiers August 12, 2020. In celebration of her appearance we will be giving away Kindle downloads of The Unspoken Truth About Essential Oils from August 12-16, 2020. You can see Stacey in the trailer at the 1 minute and 9 second mark in the trailer.
Make sure you check out the series on Netflix and grab a FREE Kindle download of The Unspoken Truth About Essential Oils. For those who need continuing education credits from the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapists (NAHA) at Ology Essentials I have a new 6 hour Continuing Education: The Unspoken Truth About Essential Oils program available using our book The Unspoken Truth About Essential Oils.
It would have looked so much better on your co-author if the “documentary” would have appropriately and correctly cited that her initial use of essential oils was with DoTerra. They make this sound like she used young Living and go use that to tear down a company that is nothing of what they say. VERY unbecoming of someone you say you hold in such a high regard. Pretty crappy move on both this testimony and the makers of this show.
There is always more to the story that is worth inquiring about before attacking. At the time of the filming Stacey’s lawyer did not want her to name the company. He has since changed directions and she will be identifying the company.
Stacey’s courage to share her story is both admirable and inspiring. I became acquainted with her during the time she was still attempting to heal and was looking for answers. Her determination to take her absolutely horrific experience and help others because of it was forming and being birthed at that time. I soon saw it begin to grow and take form, becoming a passion. I also saw it aid in her emotional healing from the trauma to her body and soul. And you, dear Kayla. You gave her a way to reach farther and be heard more clearly as you partnered with her to co-author the book detailing her story and provide safety information that is much needed. You nurtured her passion and helped it and her bloom. It has been a beautiful process to watch. Thank you both for being voices in the dark! May the light continue to shine and many see it bright on a hill.