I am in awe of people who have pure servants’ hearts. You know those people who serve others with selfless motives. Last week, while I served among people with a servant heart at Camp Yamhill Outdoor School I was really struck by the sacrifice these people make for others.
I was especially impressed while we stood in the pouring rain for hours as the kids did a water study by the river. The rain was so persistent that it had defeated my raincoat and the two layers of coats I wore underneath. My feet and hands were pruned and my legs were wet and numb. I thought to myself that I’d never ever in a million years be standing in the rain watching kids at Outdoor School if my daughter wasn’t among the kids gaining the experience. And then I looked around at the Camp Yamhill volunteers who were standing out in the rain with us.
The volunteers ranged from Junior and Senior High School students to retired Senior citizens. They had no kids, siblings or grandkids there at camp, yet there they were giving their time freely to serve these kids. I had selfish reasons to be there. I absolutely love having the opportunity to be among my kids while they learn, grow and experience life with their friends. I had so much joy just watching Caiden jumping up and down signing praise and worship songs with her friends at campfire. That moment was worth the lack of sleep, work and wetness of the week.
Some people are just gifted with a servant’s heart – and I for one am in awe and grateful of them. We each have our own set of gifts and talents. While I believe these people with servant hearts serve selflessly, I do believe pure joy is found in using the gifts that God gave us. If you aren’t sure what your gifts are you can take this free Spiritual Gifts Inventory online.
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