My mother kept a clean house, but she alway said that she didn’t keep a spotless house because she cared more about the people in the house than the impressiveness of the house. She focused on spending time with her family and guests, over wasting time focusing on the impression of perfection that a spotless house could give. My mom lived for people, relationships, and the quality of time spent together.

Right now, five weeks after we moved into my new house there are still boxes unpack in the middle of most rooms. At first I tried to do it at the same time as I was working super long hours to take care of customers in two businesses, all while in the midst of speaking and dance season. The quality of time spent with the people in my house was suffering. I was exhausted all the time and eventually I caught the flu. All activity came to a cease. As I recovered I decided April would be an awesome goal for unpacking and settling in. Forget that the move took place in February.
I realized that a few boxes never hurt anyone, but neglect in relationships destroys. And so as I come to the end of very long work day and each person comes home I chose to focus on our time together, rather than the stuff around us. (Besides the cats are in box heaven!)
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