Recently a friend of mine wrote on Facebook, “Wishing sharpies were washable….” after her young daughter had used a sharpie for “artwork” all over a family members bedding.
I knew that my friend had already dealt with disciplining her daughter and wrote back, “Might as well give the kids a pack of colorful sharpies and let them go to town to create a unique and memorable bedspread. You can’t go backwards on this one and undo the damage, but maybe you can make some lemon-aide out of it.”
My belief is that sometimes you have to allow others to be human and make mistakes. It is best to deal with the problem and then find a solution that lightens the burden. My comment was met with sharp criticism from someone who just assumed that I expected my friend to just make a party out of it without discipline. It was satisfying to let the criticism slide to the ground without sticking to me because the criticism was unwarranted.
Mistakes and poor judgment errors are part of being human. I make them and people around me make them. I think sometimes we are hardest on ourselves when we make a mistake. I urge you to give yourself permission to be human. Forgive yourself the mistakes of yesterday and find a way to turn the consequences of your error into a new creation.
If you have made permanent marks in error and you can’t go back to undo your mistake–forgive yourself enough to step back from the problem. Stand just far enough away to find a fresh perspective.
If you are carrying un-forgiveness of yourself or others take a step back from the hurt. If you step far enough away the hurt fades without the ability to focus on the consequences and pain. In looking at the bigger picture of your life the blessings will outshine the errors you and others make along the way.
What about you? Ever had a sharpie like experience in your life or business? Can you let it go and make a new creation out of the error?
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