Today marks fourteen years since I married my husband Dennis. I never imagined what the years ahead would hold. Who really does when they are standing at the altar promising, “to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death us do part.” Dennis and I had a $1000 … [Read more...]
The Rumors are True :: We are Moving
The ultimate road trip is, by my definition, when you pack up your family and move across the country. My family is on the verge our own ultimate road trip from the great Northwest to Franklin, Tennessee. We have been toying with the idea of moving to Tennessee for the past year or more. It has been a “maybe” and an “if” that has transformed into a … [Read more...]
Come Climb with Me
My daughter Selah has presented a new challenge for me this year. She has asked me to climb Steeple Rock with her in Montana when we go there in August. I have a history with Steeple Rock, memories that make my first instinct be to say “no thanks” to Selah, but I want her to have the experience of conquering Steeple Rock. Let me share my experience … [Read more...]
What Color Do You Live Like?
In the past few years I have been strangely attracted to the color red. I’ve got a red purse, red jacket, red camera, and red van. It isn’t even my favorite color and I don’t look good in red. But red speaks to how I want to live. I want to live out loud, vibrantly, loudly, and fully. Red doesn’t care if other approve of it. Red stands out in a … [Read more...]
Alzheimer’s the Kidnapper of History :: In Memory of My Uncle Tom
This morning it seemed that something was different, I could sense it even in the air I breathed, something had changed. I couldn’t get my Uncle Tom off of my mind. He has been dying for some time now, but this week the end was imminent. When my phone rang and my parent’s phone number flashed on the screen, I knew, I knew what was different, Uncle … [Read more...]
A Life Well Lived :: In Memory of Esther Burgess
When I met Esther she easily made the list of women I admired most in life. I met her about two thirds of her way through a ten year battle with terminal cancer. Her beautiful singing voice had already been silenced to a whisper when her vocal cord was accidently paralyzed in one of her multiple surgeries over the years. She was already struggling … [Read more...]